Pranayama #2 - Nadi Shodhana Parts A & B (Instructed)
Short Form - Primary Series Jam_28 mins
Surya Namaskara A (3)
Surya Namaskara B (3)
Prasarita Padottanasana (A)
Prasarita Padottanasana (C)
Warrior 1
Warrior 2
Janu A
Marichyasana C
Supta Kurmasana
Garbha Pindasana
Supta Konasana
Upa Vista Konasana
Ubha... -
Pasasana: Are you Ready for Second Series?
In this short video I address the challenge of beginning Intermediate Series. It is important that you recognize different stages of growth as you gain experience through practice. Once such stage is in continuing to try your best when you come up against large seemingly insurmountable physical ...
Pranayama #5 - Sitali (Instructed)
Talk 7 - How To Work With Fear
May Special Event - Drills for Ashtangis
This month's special event is a class that focuses on drills that are perfect for the Ashtanga yoga practice. Class will be on Sunday, May 26th at 10:15am EST. Zoom link will be emailed out a couple of hours before the class begins.
Class will be uploaded to the channel following the livestream. -
Janusirsasana B Modifications (Head to Knee B Pose)
The crux of the Janu B position is to properly and comfortably sit on the heel before bending forward. I provide instructions and modifications for placing the center of the pelvic floor on the heel of the foot. Also once you are in the posture I give you a set of instructions that will help ...
Book 2: Sutras 2.10-2.16
Talk 3
Yoga Sutras Book 2, Sadhana
Sutras 2.10-2.16Recommended Reading
1- Yoga, Discipline of Freedom by Barbara Stoller Miller
Pages 47-49
Read Part Two, “Removing the Forces of Corruption”2- Yoga Sutra Workbook, Certainty of Freedom by Vyaas Houston
Review Sutras 2.10-2.16 -
Day 1
The focus for this day is on the foundation of the 9 Vinyasa Positions of Surya Namaskara.
For the first exercise you’ll place a block between your thighs to bring your attention to connecting your feet and legs to the earth in Samasthiti (Equal Grounding). You’ll move through several cycles o... -
Jump Between Standing Postures
This Vinyasa lab will help you understand the benefits of dynamically jumping out to the side from Samasthiti before transitioning into a standing pose, and then also jumping when you return to Samasthiti. I offer an inspiring little demo of the small but challenging action, and then break the ...
Interview with David about props and why we are using them
Kapotasana Advanced Work with Wall
In this video I give instruction for using the wall to help refine the leg foundation. This video is advanced and challenging.
Mysore Foundations - Focus on 3 Pelvis Positions
In this Asana Lab class, David focuses on what it means to have a neutral pelvis.
Surya Namasakara
Side Angle Posture
Revolved Side Angle Posture
Purvottanasana -
Session 1 Warm Up - Sun Salutations
David leads you through a counted version of Surya Namaskara so you can warm up.
Surya Namaskara B Instructed
The second set of exercises in the ashtanga system, known as Sun Salutation B, adds the lunging warrior posture to Sun Salutation A. I provide you with instructional cues that will help you to align your positions and at the same time I help you to emphasize creating smooth, dynamic transitions....
Short Forms: Standing Postures
In this 20 minute short forms class, focus on the standing postures. LIST OF ASANAS
Pāda Hastāsana
Utthita Trikoṇāsana
Parivṛtta Trikoṇāsana
Utthita Pārśvakoṇāsana
Parivṛtta Pārśvakoṇāsana
Prasārita Pādottānāsana A
Prasārita Pādottānāsana B
Prasārita Pādottānāsana C
Prasārita Pādo... -
Jump Back Transistion (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
This video provides you with several versions of the challenging and formidable jump back move that is part of the dynamic transition between seated postures in the primary series. I provide step by step instructions from the easiest, most modified version, continuing to add on steps that allo...
How to Maximize Learning in the Video Course
Instructed Ashtanga Yoga Pranayama Sequence
Khechari Mudra Breakdown
Book 2: Sutras 2.46-2.48
Talk 11
Yoga Sutras Book 2, Sadhana
Sutras 2.46-2.48Recommended Reading
1- Yoga, Discipline of Freedom by Barbara Stoller Miller
Pages 56-57
Review Part Two, “Posture”2- Yoga Sutra Workbook, Certainty of Freedom by Vyaas Houston
Review Sutras 2.46-2.48 -
Dec 17_2023 - Weekly Thoughts
Say nay to asana naysayers. Way yea to thinking for yourself.
Talk 3_Mastering a Pose and Series
Kapotasana or King Pigeon Posture Refine foundation Intermediate to Advanced
The legs splaying out wider than the hips causes the student to lose their leg foundation in this deep backbend. In this exercise the student will understand the positioning of the legs and how a powerful foundation is what creates the spine to lengthen.