May Special Event - Drills for Ashtangis
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This month's special event is a class that focuses on drills that are perfect for the Ashtanga yoga practice. Class will be on Sunday, May 26th at 10:15am EST. Zoom link will be emailed out a couple of hours before the class begins.
Class will be uploaded to the channel following the livestream.
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Vinyasa Positions of Surya Namaskara ...
This tutorial is for new students and teachers of Ashtanga Yoga. In Ashtanga, every pose has a set number of Vinyāsas or positions. In this tutorial David teaches the vinyasa positions of Surya Namaskara A and B. The focus of this tutorial is in memorizing the positions. For beginner students th...
Talk 1: Sutras I.2, I.3, I.4
In this short talk I discuss verses 2, 3, 4 from the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras.
Below I translate from Sanskrit to English (unfortunately diacritical marks do not translate into the Vimeo description). I also recommend using this website (
Head Balance & Inversions - Class 1
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2) Vrkshtasana (Tree Posture) plus variations
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