Khechari Mudra Breakdown
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Book 1: Sutras 1.41-1.46
Talk 9
Yoga Sutras Book 1, Samadhi Pada
Sutras 1.41 - 1.46Recommended Reading
1- Yoga, Discipline of Freedom by Barbara Stoller Miller
Pages 39-42
Read Part One, “Contemplation That Bears Seeds”2- Yoga Sutra Workbook, Certainty of Freedom by Vyaas Houston
Review Sutras 1.41-1.46 -
Day 4 - Foundation First
This day features Prasarita Padotanasana (Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend) one of the 6 foundational postures of the Ashtanga system. You’ll learn about using the set up Vinyasa position to create a strong lower body stance that gives you the freedom to elongate your spine horizontally forward...
Pranayama #3 - Bhastrika (Instructed)
Bhastrika: Bellows
Bhastrika is a highly active, energy rousing technique that tones the absomen and helps you to activate your respiratory musuclature. The forceful rhythmic pumping of the breath churns the belly and stirs up the dormant, sluggish energy within muladhara, the root support chakr...