Parsvottanasana Modification (Intense Side Stretch Posture)
Move into position by coming all the way to the destination with a confident, speedy move. Reach outwards through the spine from pelvis through head, skillfully come forward stabilizing the legs and rotating the spine to the right. Touch chin to shin.
Led Pranayama - Sitali
Striking the Balance Between the Inner and Outer House
Weekly Thoughts for April 21st.
Day 2 - Head Balance and Inversion Principles
Day 2 summary of exercises
1) Samasthiti
2) Vrkshtasana plus variations
3) Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend Posture)
4) Plank
5) Adho Mukha Svanasana plus variations
6) Sirsasana foundation
7) Sirsasana foundation focus on upper back
8) Crouch and Spri... -
Transition Between Standing Postures
One of the most dynamic transitions in the Ashtanga yoga system is the jump between standing postures. This dynamic move introduces the idea of the crouch and spring that is used throughout the primary series. By jumping between the standing postures the yogi wakes up the body and prepares herse...
Interview with David about props and why we are using them
Benefits of Prana and Apana Exercises
Talk 5_Sutra I.20
In this talk I focus on Sutra I.20.
5 qualities to cultivate on and off the prayer rug:
1) Sraddha—faith–3 prongs
2) Virya–energy, strength, enthusiasm,,vigor
3) Smrti—remembrance, focusing on pravrtti (higher thoughts)
4) Samadhi—focus, meditation, absorption, merging with the Infinite.
5... -
Short Form: Surya Namaskara Blast
Short on time? Only have ten minutes for practice? Ten minutes is all you need for this dynamic short form of Surya Namaskara A and B.
Talk 3_Mastering a Pose and Series
Dec 17_2023 - Weekly Thoughts
Say nay to asana naysayers. Way yea to thinking for yourself.
Talk 7 - How To Work With Fear
Day 7 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 7 (33 minutes)
Ex 1 - Jump in Samasthiti
Ex 2 - Transition from 1st Position to 2nd Position
Ex 3 - Padangusthasana Receptivity (Big Toe Posture)
Ex 4 - Handstand Press
Ex 5 - Setu Bandhasana in Sarvangasana (Bridge in Shoulderstand)In day 7 you’ll do a standing forward bend exercise...
Pashcimottanasana Modification (Seated Forward Bend Posture)
This video highlights the importance of the halfway position that sets up the fold into the position proper. This half way position is part of the vinyasa sequencing that makes up the primary series in the ashtanga system. This lowly but infinitely valuable position can be easy to overlook when y...
Asana Lab - Bound Angle Posture for Tight Hips
This 6 minute tutorial will give you two excellent ways to use Baddha Konasana to increase your hip flexibility. I use these two methods almost every day.
For starters bound angle refers to bringing the feet all the way back to the pelvis and the binding of the feet with the hands. Additional...
Instructed Four Limb Staff Pose, Up Dog, and Down Dog in Surya Namaskara
In this video I provide detailed instructions for the 3 most important postures that make up Sun Salutation A in the Ashtanga yoga system. The instructions focus on helping you to perform the correct actions in the 3 positions as well as how to properly execute the dynamic transitions between ...
DG Drills - Danda Headstand
Basic Headstand drills for building strength and maintaining a clear vertical stack of your head, torso, hips, and legs. Practice along with me in my backyard temple cave.
Interview with David on the Big Toe and Fingers
Talk 4 - How To Still Your Body
Lunge in Surya Namaskara B
A class that dives deep into how to lunge in Surya Namaksara B. Technically a lunge is defined as an exercise where you step one leg forward, bend your front knee and lower your pelvis towards the ground. Both Virabhadrasana (Warrior) I and II are classic lunges that perfectly fit this definition...
Day 15 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 15 (20 minutes)
Ex 1 - Samsthiti to Handstand
Ex 2 - Boat Posture to Handstand
Ex 3 - Chaturanga Dandasana Variations (4 Limb Staff Posture)The final class of this course takes you through a 20 minute action packed routine consisting of 5 strength exercises. The exercises include an abs...
Navasana Variations #2
Join Margaux for 5 variations of Navasana. A great routine for those who want extra core work.
Viloma Inhalation Exercise no extra instruction
Pasasana Intermediate to Advanced
In this video I teach you how to further refine Pasasana. I give you ideas how to enhance stabilization of the legs and feet so that you can continue to explore the twist.