From the Archives

  • Talk 2_I.5 - I.11

    Talk #2 Chapter 1, Sutras 5 -11

    The grouping of Sutras (5 thru 11) details the five categories of Vrtti that consist of:
    1) Pramana (evaluation, judgment)
    2) Viparyaya (Misperception)
    3) Vikalpa (Conceptualization, Imagination)
    4) Nidra (Sleep)
    5) Smrti (Memory).

    In this talk I discuss ho...

  • Gunas in Hindu Mythology

    In this talk, David uses Hindu stories to define and examine the 3 gunas. The word guna literally means “strand” or “fiber” and implies that, like strands of a rope, the gunas are woven together to form the objective universe. Philosophically, the theory of the gunas explains what this universe...

  • Leg Power

    Loving your stance is a super power!

  • Day 8 - Foundation First

    Arhda Baddha Padmotanasana (Half Bound Lotus Intense Forward Bend Pose) is an important foundational pose that can help you to safely learn to do Padmasana, the most classical, potent and alluring asana of all. In this class you’ll study the 1st Vinyasa as the foundational set up position tha...

  • The hidden power of accepting your small station

  • Props set-up for Day 4

  • Bakasana Jump into posture

    In this video I provide instructions for setting up and executing a dynamic jump into Bakasana. I also provide images that create helpful mental pictures of the jump and lastly I demonstrate the jump.

  • Pincha Mayurasana Clarify Central Axis Advanced

    Pincha Mayurasana is a foundational inversion. The key to so many advanced postures is within this inversion. For an advanced student it is essential that they know how to refine the posture. In this video I teach how to continue to clarify the central axis and the keys that truly stabilize the...

  • Second Series Jam (40 mins)

    5 Surya A,
    5 Surya B,
    Matseyasana/Supta Vajrasana,
    Eka Pada Sirsasana,
    Yoga Nidrasana,
    Pincha Mayurasana,

    Options for modifying
    Pasasana—bind y...

  • Viloma Inhalation Exercise no extra instruction

  • Book 2: Sutras 2.30-2.34

    Talk 7
    Yoga Sutras Book 2, Sadhana
    Sutras 2.30-2.34

    Recommended Reading
    1- Yoga, Discipline of Freedom by Barbara Stoller Miller
    Pages 52-54
    Read Part Two, “The Moral Principals and Observances”

    2- Yoga Sutra Workbook, Certainty of Freedom by Vyaas Houston
    Review Sutras 2.30-2.34

  • Transition from Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog

    Join David for a special event class on transitioning from Chaturanga to Upward Facing.
    In this class, David focuses on the importance of the transition from Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog, emphasizing the concept of 'Crouch and Spring' and the role of a strong foundation in supporting the pose....

  • Pashcimottanasana Modification (Seated Forward Bend Posture)

    This video highlights the importance of the halfway position that sets up the fold into the position proper. This half way position is part of the vinyasa sequencing that makes up the primary series in the ashtanga system. This lowly but infinitely valuable position can be easy to overlook when y...

  • Attachment, A Different View

    This week I lost my cat, my special side kick, Bunny Guru. Here are my thoughts.

  • Day 5 - Extract Strength From Your Practice

    List of exercises:
    Ex 1 - Handstand with Half Lotus and Lotus with Wall
    Ex 2 - Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
    Ex 3 - Vasisthasana with wall (Side Plank Posture)
    Ex 4 - Navasana and Ardha Navasana (Boat and Half Boat Posture)
    Ex 5 - Sirsasana Half Lotus and Lotus (Head Balance Po...

  • Making Do With What You Have

    Weekly thoughts for April 14th

  • How to Maximize Learning in the Video Course

  • Timed Inversions in Head Balance, Forearm Balance, and Handstand

    Video is from David's video course, Asana Skill Building.

  • 3 Scapula Positions

    One of the main differences between having your arms up or down is the difference in the position of the shoulder blade. The shoulder blade position is important because all the actions of the arm are based on the position of shoulder blade (Scapula). Your postures come alive when you begin to c...

  • Surya Namaskara A and B Flow

    This video provides you with what is known as 'counted vinyasa' instructions for the practice of Sun Salutation A and Sun Salutation B. The emphasis is on breathing and flow, you are led through positions without interruption, and without extra instructions on how to do each individual positi...

  • Downward Facing Dog

    Watch this tutorial for an in-depth look at Downward Facing Dog. Make sure to check out the article in the forum.
    "Sixth Position is the only position of the nine positions of Surya Namaskara that you hold the posture for several breaths. In ashtanga
    yoga we call this remaining in a posture 'the...

  • Weekly Thoughts - 7 Asana Principles

    weekly thoughts for January 21, 2024

  • Medley: Surya Namaskara, Chaturanga to DownDog Loop, Shalabhasana plus more

    This class features Surya Namaskara, Trikonasana, Chaturanga to Down Dog flow exercise, Shalabhasana, and Sarvangasana with the wall.