This week I lost my cat, my special side kick, Bunny Guru. Here are my thoughts.
Up Next in From the Archives
Day 6 - Extract Strength From Your Pr...
Practice to day 6 from David's video course, Extract Strength From Your Practice. List of exercises:
Ex 1 - Surya Namaskara A with speed
Ex 2 - Surya Namabaskara B emphasis on Virabhadrasana 1This segment is devoted working with Surya Namaskara A and B in several different ways—all with the o...
Short Form - Back Pain Relief
If you are experiencing back pain, this is a great short form practice to either help you warm up or a complete light and protective practice all on its own.
Class includes:
Vrkshasana holding chair for support
Forward Bend with chair
Plank to Downdog with chair
Surya Namaskara with blocks -
Talk 5_Sutra I.20
In this talk I focus on Sutra I.20.
5 qualities to cultivate on and off the prayer rug:
1) Sraddha—faith–3 prongs
2) Virya–energy, strength, enthusiasm,,vigor
3) Smrti—remembrance, focusing on pravrtti (higher thoughts)
4) Samadhi—focus, meditation, absorption, merging with the Infinite.