Kundalini and Asana
Thoughts on Integrating the energetic language of kundalini into the physical practice. If you'd like to learn more about this topic you can listen to David's May podcast on his website.
Making Do With What You Have
Weekly thoughts for April 14th
Day 3 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 3
Ex 1 - Samasthiti Squats
Ex 2 - Plank to Handstand to Down Dog Loop
Ex 3 - Surya Namaskara Transition Loop (3rd to 4th Position, 6th to 7th Position)
Ex 4 - Bhujapidasana (Arm Pressure Posture)
Ex 5 - Sirsasana (Headstand Posture)
Ex 6 - Uddhyana Bandha Kriya Standing (Belly Flying... -
Particulars of Practice and Prana
In this weekly thoughts video, David uses Vivekanda's Raja Yoga text to discuss the particulars of practice.
Flow or Right Effort?
Flow or right effort? Which one is more important? Asana mastery comes to the yogi who stubbornly insists upon expressing both of these potent qualities.
Dec 31_2023 - Weekly Thoughts
Notes on the first asana principle...every single asana is Samasthiti in disguise.
Vinyasa Lab_taking lotus in sarvangasan and headstand
Primary Series Promo
How do I Improve my Breath and Bandhas in the Practice?
This class focuses on integrating breath and movement in Ashtanga Yoga, with an emphasis on understanding and refining diaphragmatic and ujjayi breathing techniques. Through detailed exploration of transitions, foundational poses, and "set-up" positions, students will learn how to connect breath ...
Pincha Mayurasana Clarify Central Axis Advanced
Pincha Mayurasana is a foundational inversion. The key to so many advanced postures is within this inversion. For an advanced student it is essential that they know how to refine the posture. In this video I teach how to continue to clarify the central axis and the keys that truly stabilize the...
Weekly Thoughts_ Sharath Passing
For the past two months I've been teaching a teacher training for a group of Chinese students. After Sharath's death, there were many negative comments floating on the Chinese social media. One of the students asked me for my thoughts. I've decided to share this video with all of you even though...
Finishing Backbend_Promo
Steps to Pincha Mayurasana
How do you build strength to hold Pincha Mayurasana? This tutorial will teach you!
The name of the posture comes from what a male peacock must do to get a mate-become a brazen show off! He creates a fine spectacle by lifting up his generous, flashy set of tail feathers, he opens them into a st... -
Special Event December - Vedic Chanting
This month's special event is vedic chanting. Chant sheets will be emailed out with the zoom link the day before the live class and will also be posted in the forum of the channel. Recording will be uploaded to the channel following the live class. If you can join live, please do! The live clas...
Parivrtta Trikonasana Modification (Revolved Triangle Posture)
This video includes tips for balancing in the posture, also I show you how to catch your leg or to use a block in order to create a fuller, more thorough spinal rotation. Knowing how to modify this challenging posture is a real boon that can help you to gain access to its many healing benefits (...
Janusirsasana B Modifications (Head to Knee B Pose)
The crux of the Janu B position is to properly and comfortably sit on the heel before bending forward. I provide instructions and modifications for placing the center of the pelvic floor on the heel of the foot. Also once you are in the posture I give you a set of instructions that will help ...
Props set-up for Day 2
Prana Vayu
Tutorial that focuses on the pranic aspect of ujjayi breathing.
Short Forms - Foundational Postures
A fantastic 20 minute Ashtanga Short Form. If you have limited time to practice, this is the class for you. List of asanas includes:
Surya A (2)
Surya B (3)
Utthita Trikoṇāsana
Utthita Pārśvakoṇāsana
Prasārita Pādottānāsana D
Utthita Hasta Pādāṅguṣṭhāsana
Ardha Baddha Padmottānās... -
Khechari Mudra Breakdown
In this Vinyasa Lab, David gives a tutorial on how to start practicing Chakrasana. Here are the vinyasa instructions when you are executing out of Supta Hasta Padangusthasana:
— With a great rhythm, hoist your legs and arms overhead, lift your hips, and
plant your hands on the ground underneath y... -
Seated positions in pranayama exercises
David instructs what seated positions are the most effective for your pranayama practice.
Surya Namaskara A Flow
This video provides you with what is known as 'counted vinyasa' instructions for the practice of Sun Salutation A. The emphasis is on breathing and flow, you are led through positions without interruption, and without extra instructions on how to do each individual position. You have the op...
Viloma Exhalation Exercise with Instruction