How do you build strength to hold Pincha Mayurasana? This tutorial will teach you!
The name of the posture comes from what a male peacock must do to get a mate-become a brazen show off! He creates a fine spectacle by lifting up his generous, flashy set of tail feathers, he opens them into a stunning semi-circular fan that forms an angle of more than 180 degrees!
And the practice of Pincha Mayurasana is right at home with this exaggerated display that is designed to achieve its essential purpose. Because going to the trouble of learning to come up and balance in Pincha could be said to be an equally ostentatious and humorously over the top way of creating a state of meditation! But for both the peacock and the yogi creating beauty and displaying symmetry are the necessary qualities that lead to success. And the yogi who strikes an accurately vertical, immovable forearm balance enters into a clear, diamond hard state of internalized attention.
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