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  • Benefits of Prana and Apana Exercises

  • Short Form - Primary Series Jam_28 mins

    Surya Namaskara A (3)
    Surya Namaskara B (3)
    Prasarita Padottanasana (A)
    Prasarita Padottanasana (C)
    Warrior 1
    Warrior 2
    Janu A
    Marichyasana C
    Supta Kurmasana
    Garbha Pindasana
    Supta Konasana
    Upa Vista Konasana

  • Attachment, A Different View

    This week I lost my cat, my special side kick, Bunny Guru. Here are my thoughts.

  • Day 5 - Head Balance and Inversion Principles

    Summary of Day 5 Exercises

    1) Samasthiti
    2) Prasarita Padottanasana with wall
    3) Uddiyana (Flying Up) Bandha (Energetic Lock) Kriya (Cleansing)
    4) Adho Mukha Svanasana) focus on Uddiyana Bandha
    5) Sirsasana set up and variations with wall
    6) Sirsasana set up and variations

    Day 5 you will lea...

  • Interview with David on the Big Toe and Fingers

  • Session 3 - Finishing Backbends of Ashtanga Yoga


    1-Upward Bow
    A) Hands on blocks two stations
    B) Arms at the wall variations
    C) Without the wall coming up and working shoulder, elbow, wrist towards and opening the chest without losing the legs

    2-Drop Back
    A) Drop back with pads at the wall...

  • Plank Variations #1

    Practice 5 plank exercises with David and get strong!
    1- Mountain Climber with band
    2- Feet side to side with band
    3- Shoulder tap
    4- One arm switch
    5- Plank to Chaturanga push ups

  • Kurmasana Modifications (Tortoise Posture)

    Kurmasana, Tortoise Posture, is one of the crux poses of the primary series, each asana that comes before is preparing for this challenging section of the sequence. This posture has two parts, the A part emphasizes forward bending and the B part, hip opening. Use the modification present here i...

  • Bhujapidasana Modification (Shoulder Pressing Posture)

    In this video I offer two useful modifications and provide instructions for working in the posture without doing a modification. The first modification is for if in the beginning stages you are having trouble lifting your feet off the ground. Try placing your hands on two blocks that are placed...

  • Asana Lab: Urdhva Dhanurasana

    Join David for this month's special event class on Urdhva Dhanurasana. If you have tight shoulders or are experiencing back pain then this class is for you!

  • Baddha Konasana Modification (Bound Angle Pose)

    Open the thighs outward, imagine that the thigh bones lengthen and extend away from you in a line from the hip to the knee. Soften and release the inner thighs, and endeavor to ground the thighs downward towards the earth. Keep the sacrum (back of the pelvis) sucked forward into the body, sit dir...

  • The Art of the Jump Back

    Join David for a detailed tutorial on the jump back. What does it take to learn how to jump back?

  • Props set-up for Day 2

  • Steps to Jumping Through

    Video is from David's video course, Asana Skill Building.

  • Pincha Mayurasana Develop Balance Beginner

    For a beginner to make a start at Pincha Mayurasana they need to understand how to stabilize and create a powerful foundation in the hands, forearms and shoulder girdle. In this video I teach the principles to the posture and teach you how to use the wall so that you can make a start at balancing.

  • Parsvottanasana Modification (Intense Side Stretch Posture)

    Move into position by coming all the way to the destination with a confident, speedy move. Reach outwards through the spine from pelvis through head, skillfully come forward stabilizing the legs and rotating the spine to the right. Touch chin to shin.

  • Introduction to Ujjayi Breathing

    In this video you will learn the basic technique of Ujjayi so that you can begin to cultivate and understand how being skilled at breathing can transform your yoga practice. You will begin to understand the inhalation and exhalation patterns known as prana and apana and with practice will lead y...

  • Talk 4 - How To Still Your Body

  • Day 5 - Extract Strength From Your Practice

    List of exercises:
    Ex 1 - Handstand with Half Lotus and Lotus with Wall
    Ex 2 - Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
    Ex 3 - Vasisthasana with wall (Side Plank Posture)
    Ex 4 - Navasana and Ardha Navasana (Boat and Half Boat Posture)
    Ex 5 - Sirsasana Half Lotus and Lotus (Head Balance Po...

  • Gunas in Hindu Mythology

    In this talk, David uses Hindu stories to define and examine the 3 gunas. The word guna literally means “strand” or “fiber” and implies that, like strands of a rope, the gunas are woven together to form the objective universe. Philosophically, the theory of the gunas explains what this universe...

  • Vinyasa Lab: Chakrasana

    In this Vinyasa Lab, David gives a tutorial on how to start practicing Chakrasana. Here are the vinyasa instructions when you are executing out of Supta Hasta Padangusthasana:
    — With a great rhythm, hoist your legs and arms overhead, lift your hips, and
    plant your hands on the ground underneath y...

  • Trikonasana Modification (Triangle Posture)

    I provide you with simple, basic instructions for how to work in Triangle Posture, I have you place your hand on your leg or on a block in order to make sure that you center your spine properly over your hip and leg foundation. You are also using the modification to feel the important, elusive h...

  • Short Form - Primary Jam (45 mins)

    Practice with David and Joy in this Primary Series Jam. List of asana includes:
    Surya A (4)
    Surya B (3)
    Pada Hastasana
    Uttihta Trikonasana
    Parivrtta Trikonasana
    Uttihta Parsvakonasana
    Prasarita Padottonasana A
    Prasarita Padottonasana C
    Uttitha Hasta Padangusthasana