Question and Answer
David answered these questions at this time code.
-Am I doing Ujjayi breathing correctly? 0 - 8:25
-How do I prioritize a Pranayama practice when time is limited? 8:25 - 19:10
-How has practice changed for you (David)? 19:10 - 23:22
-Please share a list of your favorite books 23:22 - 34:18
-How d... -
June 30th Special Event - Led Primary Series
This month's special event is a pre-recorded class filmed during David's 2023 Kovalam Mysore intensive. This exclusive release will be available to watch and practice to on June 30th. Did you hear? David will be teaching his annual winter Mysore intensive in Bali this year. You can find all the i...
Day 7 - Finishing Back Sequence of Ashtanga Yoga
On the last day of the course David walks Sarah Durney Hatcher through the entire Ashtanga Finishing Backbend Sequence as taught by Sri K Pattabhis Jois.
The sequence is:
A) 3 Urdhva Dhanurasanas. The last one you come up to s... -
Garbha Pindasana Modification (Womb Embryo Posture)
If you can't do Lotus Posture no problem, you can do a nice version of this difficult posture by simply leaning back and weaving your arms through a cross legged position, and then proceed to round back into a nice spinal flexion and roll back and forth tracing a circle. Next I give you you step...
Day 14 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Practice to day 14 of David's video course, Extract Strength From Your Practice. This day is devoted to gaining strength by developing your bandha (Energetic Lock) technique.
Ex 1) Bandhas in utthita hasta padangusthasana (Extended Hand to Big Toe Posture)
Ex 2) Bandhas in Prasarita Padottanasan... -
Talk 6 - How to Breathe Better
Joy of Living Without a Face
In this weekly thoughts I talk about opening yourself up to constant change and embracing your new emerging self.
Samadhi Means Settlement
Weekly thoughts - Samadhi Means Settlement, Completion, Agreement
Ustrasana or camel posture is a beneficial introductory back bend that is done from a kneeling position. The crux of the posture is to ground the shins downward as you lift up the chest into a great dome shape that resembles a camel’s hump. The lower body and arms form the foundation, and one c...
What does it mean to "ground" in an asana and life?
Alternate definitions of Sthira-contemplating grounding in asana and life. Weekly thoughts for March 17th, 2024.
Jan 14, 2023 _Weekly Thoughts
Beware of your white elephants!
Vinyasa Lab: Chakrasana
In this Vinyasa Lab, David gives a tutorial on how to start practicing Chakrasana. Here are the vinyasa instructions when you are executing out of Supta Hasta Padangusthasana:
— With a great rhythm, hoist your legs and arms overhead, lift your hips, and
plant your hands on the ground underneath y... -
Day 5 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
List of exercises:
Ex 1 - Handstand with Half Lotus and Lotus with Wall
Ex 2 - Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
Ex 3 - Vasisthasana with wall (Side Plank Posture)
Ex 4 - Navasana and Ardha Navasana (Boat and Half Boat Posture)
Ex 5 - Sirsasana Half Lotus and Lotus (Head Balance Po... -
Talk 3_Mastering a Pose and Series
Asana Lab: Marichyasana D
In this Asana Lab, David breaks down Marichyasana D and gives helpful tips on how to incorporate props. This live class was the September special event for the subscription channel.
Day 8 - Foundation First
Arhda Baddha Padmotanasana (Half Bound Lotus Intense Forward Bend Pose) is an important foundational pose that can help you to safely learn to do Padmasana, the most classical, potent and alluring asana of all. In this class you’ll study the 1st Vinyasa as the foundational set up position tha...
Kapotasana or King Pigeon Posture Basic Foundational Principles Beginner
In this video David teaches the basic actions of the spine and the foundational principles of the legs so that you can begin to make an attempt at this deep backbend.
6 Destroyers and 6 Keys to Success
Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana Modifications
It is necessary to be careful never to strain your knees when working with any of the variations of the half lotus position. And thus here I offer you two deceptively simple modifications for Half Bound Lotus Western Stretching Posture. The first modifications is simply to bring the foot back b...
Appreciate the difficulty of Hatha yoga technology
Weekly thoughts from January 28, 2024
Why Plank is the King of Asanas
Weekly Thoughts for March 10, 2024
Plank to Chaturanga Dandasana
Surya Namaskara A Flow
This video provides you with what is known as 'counted vinyasa' instructions for the practice of Sun Salutation A. The emphasis is on breathing and flow, you are led through positions without interruption, and without extra instructions on how to do each individual position. You have the op...
Medley: Sun Salutations, Pasasana, Purvottanasana
Sun Salutations that incorporate push-ups, an in-depth look at Pasasana and the 2nd Series jump back, and variations of Purvottanasana. Options for modifying are available in each exercise.