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  • Why Plank is the King of Asanas

    Weekly Thoughts for March 10, 2024

  • Short Form: 45:30 - Primary Series Jam

    Practice with David in this Short Form practice. Watch David to learn how to use props and keep the flow of the vinyasa count.
    List of asanas:
    Surya A (3)
    Surya B (3)
    Pada Hastasana
    Uttihta Trikonasana
    Parivrtta Trikonasana
    Prasarita Padottonasana A
    Prasarita Padottonasana B

  • Bakasana Jump into posture

    In this video I provide instructions for setting up and executing a dynamic jump into Bakasana. I also provide images that create helpful mental pictures of the jump and lastly I demonstrate the jump.

  • Bakasana Relationship to Bandhas

    In this video I discuss how the rounded back Bakasana shape can help you experience the three major internal energetic locks, mula, uddiyana and jalandhara bandhas. Through Bakasana you can learn to better align your spinal column over the pelvis and this helps to prevent the tendency to over li...

  • Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence

    Live from David's Mysore intensive in Tangalle, Sri Lanka. January's live special event was the Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence.

  • Session 7 Warm Up - Sun Salutations and Shoulderstand

    David leads you through a counted version of Surya Namaskara and teaches Setu Bandhasana in Shoulderstand. You will need 2 blankets and 2 blocks for this exercise. The Setu Bandhasana in Sarvangasana exercise is from his Extract Strength From Your Practice video course.

  • Session 3 - Finishing Backbends of Ashtanga Yoga


    1-Upward Bow
    A) Hands on blocks two stations
    B) Arms at the wall variations
    C) Without the wall coming up and working shoulder, elbow, wrist towards and opening the chest without losing the legs

    2-Drop Back
    A) Drop back with pads at the wall...

  • Book 1: Sutras 1.41-1.46

    Talk 9
    Yoga Sutras Book 1, Samadhi Pada
    Sutras 1.41 - 1.46

    Recommended Reading
    1- Yoga, Discipline of Freedom by Barbara Stoller Miller
    Pages 39-42
    Read Part One, “Contemplation That Bears Seeds”

    2- Yoga Sutra Workbook, Certainty of Freedom by Vyaas Houston
    Review Sutras 1.41-1.46

  • Jump Back Transistion (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

    This video provides you with several versions of the challenging and formidable jump back move that is part of the dynamic transition between seated postures in the primary series. I provide step by step instructions from the easiest, most modified version, continuing to add on steps that allo...

  • Kapotasana or King Pigeon Posture Develop with Blocks

    Blocks are an incredible tool in this posture. If you are struggling lowering to the ground with control and maintaining the leg foundation the blocks will help you progress and begin to improve in this backbend. One of the keys to developing the posture is learning how to stay blocks allow you...

  • Book 2: Sutras 2.1-2.3

    Talk 1 from David's video course on the Yoga Sutras, Book 2 - Sadhana. In this talk David reviews and dives deep into Sutras 2.1-2.3.

    Recommended Reading
    1- Yoga, Discipline of Freedom by Barbara Stoller Miller
    Pages 44-45
    Read Part Two, “The Purpose of Yoga”

    2- Yoga Sutra Workbook, Certainty o...

  • Jalandha Bandha Basics 101

  • Transition from Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog

    Join David for a special event class on transitioning from Chaturanga to Upward Facing.
    In this class, David focuses on the importance of the transition from Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog, emphasizing the concept of 'Crouch and Spring' and the role of a strong foundation in supporting the pose....

  • Seated positions in pranayama exercises

    David instructs what seated positions are the most effective for your pranayama practice.

  • Surya Namaskara A and B Flow

    This video provides you with what is known as 'counted vinyasa' instructions for the practice of Sun Salutation A and Sun Salutation B. The emphasis is on breathing and flow, you are led through positions without interruption, and without extra instructions on how to do each individual positi...

  • Book 1: Sutras 1.35-1.40

    Talk 8
    Yoga Sutras Book 1, Samadhi Pada
    Sutras 1.35 - 1.40

    Recommended Reading
    1- Yoga Sutra Workbook, Certainty of Freedom by Vyaas Houston
    Review Sutras 1.35-1.40

  • Talk 5_Sutra I.20

    In this talk I focus on Sutra I.20.

    5 qualities to cultivate on and off the prayer rug:

    1) Sraddha—faith–3 prongs
    2) Virya–energy, strength, enthusiasm,,vigor
    3) Smrti—remembrance, focusing on pravrtti (higher thoughts)
    4) Samadhi—focus, meditation, absorption, merging with the Infinite.

  • Led Half Primary Series

    Christmas Eve 2023 Led Half Primary. This class focuses on the second half of the Primary Series.

  • Dec 24, 2023 - Weekly Thoughts

    What is the meaning of the Shanti Mantra: Sahanavavatu?

    Om Saha NaAvavatu | Saha Nau Bhunaktu |
    Saha Veeryam Karavaavahai |
    Tejasvi NaAvadheetam-Astu
    Maa Vidvishaavahai |
    Om Shaanti: Shaanti: Shaanti: ||

    अन्वय:- ॐ सह नौ अवतु | सह नौ भुनक्तु। वीर्यं सह करवावहै। नौ अधीतम् तेजस्वि अस्तु | मा विद्व...

  • Timed Inversions in Head Balance, Forearm Balance, and Handstand

    Video is from David's video course, Asana Skill Building.

  • Particulars of Practice and Prana

    In this weekly thoughts video, David uses Vivekanda's Raja Yoga text to discuss the particulars of practice.

  • Led Pranayama Sequence Ujjayi Parts A and B

  • Baddha Konasana Modification (Bound Angle Pose)

    Open the thighs outward, imagine that the thigh bones lengthen and extend away from you in a line from the hip to the knee. Soften and release the inner thighs, and endeavor to ground the thighs downward towards the earth. Keep the sacrum (back of the pelvis) sucked forward into the body, sit dir...

  • Book 2: Sutras 2.49-2.55

    Talk 12
    Yoga Sutras Book 2, Sadhana
    Sutras 2.49-2.55

    Recommended Reading
    1- Yoga, Discipline of Freedom by Barbara Stoller Miller
    Pages 57-59
    Review Part Two, “Breath Control and Withdrawal of the Senses”

    2- Yoga Sutra Workbook, Certainty of Freedom by Vyaas Houston
    Review Sutras 2.49-2.55