A Guide to the Primary Series

A Guide to the Primary Series

1) In-depth Instructions on Fundamentals:
Introduction to the set of practices that form the basis of Ashtanga yoga including:

Ujjayi (sound) breathing
Surya Namaskara A & B includes detailed instruction on
Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose)
Urdva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose)
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
Vinyasa (learn how to synchronize movement with breath)
Dynamic Transitions (Jump between standing postures, Jump Back and Jump Through

2) 1-Hour 35-Minute Instructed Primary Series
An inspiring and challenging home practice that centers around the 6-core aspects of the practice: asana (posture), pranayama (free breathing), vinyasa (movement with breath), bandhas (internal locks), dristi (gazing), dhyana (meditation).

-a variety of verbal cues for becoming absorbed in the internal practices of Ashtanga Yoga
-tips for transitioning between postures with flow and alignment
-in depth asana and breathing instruction
-insights into devotion and the sacred nature of Ashtanga Yoga

3) 1-Hour 30-Minute Traditional Led Primary Series
Helps the student develop:
-a proper understanding of the rhythm and flow of the Primary Series vinyasa sequence
-cleansing internal heat that stokes the fire of awareness

4) Asana Modifications
This section takes you step by step through many postures of first series and will teach you how to troubleshoot difficult postures, think creatively to find variations that are right for you, use props without sacrificing flow.

A Guide to the Primary Series
  • Traditional Led Primary Series

    Filmed in Mysore, India, on the famous Chamundi Hill in front of the great Nandi this 1 hr 30 minute traditionally Sanskrit counted Primary Series will help the student develop:

    • a proper understanding of the rhythm and flow of the Primary Series vinyasa sequence
    • cleansing internal heat that ...

  • Instructed Primary Series

    Instructed Primary Series that centers around the 6 core aspects of the practice:

    1) Asana (posture)
    2) Pranayama (free breathing)
    3) Vinyasa (movement with breath)
    4) Bandhas (internal locks)
    5) Dristi (gazing)
    6) Dhyana (meditation)
    This class offers:
    • a variety of verbal cues for becoming ab...

  • Introduction to Ujjayi Breathing

    In this video you will learn the basic technique of Ujjayi so that you can begin to cultivate and understand how being skilled at breathing can transform your yoga practice. You will begin to understand the inhalation and exhalation patterns known as prana and apana and with practice will lead y...

  • Instructed Four Limb Staff Pose, Up Dog, and Down Dog in Surya Namaskara

    In this video I provide detailed instructions for the 3 most important postures that make up Sun Salutation A in the Ashtanga yoga system. The instructions focus on helping you to perform the correct actions in the 3 positions as well as how to properly execute the dynamic transitions between ...

  • Surya Namaskara A Flow

    This video provides you with what is known as 'counted vinyasa' instructions for the practice of Sun Salutation A. The emphasis is on breathing and flow, you are led through positions without interruption, and without extra instructions on how to do each individual position. You have the op...

  • Surya Namaskara B Instructed

    The second set of exercises in the ashtanga system, known as Sun Salutation B, adds the lunging warrior posture to Sun Salutation A. I provide you with instructional cues that will help you to align your positions and at the same time I help you to emphasize creating smooth, dynamic transitions....

  • Surya Namaskara A and B Flow

    This video provides you with what is known as 'counted vinyasa' instructions for the practice of Sun Salutation A and Sun Salutation B. The emphasis is on breathing and flow, you are led through positions without interruption, and without extra instructions on how to do each individual positi...

  • Transition Between Standing Postures

    One of the most dynamic transitions in the Ashtanga yoga system is the jump between standing postures. This dynamic move introduces the idea of the crouch and spring that is used throughout the primary series. By jumping between the standing postures the yogi wakes up the body and prepares herse...

  • Jump Through Transistion (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

    In this video presents step by step instructions for one of the most important and rewarding transitions in the ashtanga system, I call it the crouch and spring! It is the most dynamic move in the set of transition positions that are performed between seated postures in the primary series. I t...

  • Jump Back Transistion (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

    This video provides you with several versions of the challenging and formidable jump back move that is part of the dynamic transition between seated postures in the primary series. I provide step by step instructions from the easiest, most modified version, continuing to add on steps that allo...

  • Interview creative yoga

    "After almost 25 years of daily ashtanga practice it is safe to say that I am no stranger to monotony and repetition. Following roughly the same few daily asana recipes provides me with meditative focus, discipline and a welcome clarity about what and how to practice. But also I think I would be ...

  • Interview Longevity in your practice

    "You see the practice for its aim of teaching you meditation. You also have make more room in your life for your practice if you want to keep doing it at the same level that you have been. Be open to practicing slower, fewer asanas and staying longer in them. Develop your inversions and breath...

  • Trikonasana Modification (Triangle Posture)

    I provide you with simple, basic instructions for how to work in Triangle Posture, I have you place your hand on your leg or on a block in order to make sure that you center your spine properly over your hip and leg foundation. You are also using the modification to feel the important, elusive h...

  • Parivrtta Trikonasana Modification (Revolved Triangle Posture)

    This video includes tips for balancing in the posture, also I show you how to catch your leg or to use a block in order to create a fuller, more thorough spinal rotation. Knowing how to modify this challenging posture is a real boon that can help you to gain access to its many healing benefits (...

  • Utthita Parsvakonasana Modification (Extended Side Angle Posture)

    Side Angle Stretch Posture is a deceptively challenging posture, and here I have you place your hand on block so that you can experience the basic actions of the pose. Focus on creating a continuous ascending diagonal line from the back leg foot, back thigh, pelvis, torso, and up through the t...

  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana Modifications (Revolved Extended Side Angle Posture)

    It is important to take advantage of modifying the more difficult positions even when you may feel that you do not need to modify them. Greater understanding of the posture can come to you when you work in an easier, more accurate version of the posture. To better access the actions of this mos...

  • Prasarita Padottanasana Modification (Wide Leg Forward Fold)

    In order to obtain maximum benefit from this essential asana make sure your stance is generously wide and bring your head all the way down to ground between your feet. Use a block under your head if necessary because bringing the head onto something distributes your weight more even throughout...

  • Parsvottanasana Modification (Intense Side Stretch Posture)

    Move into position by coming all the way to the destination with a confident, speedy move. Reach outwards through the spine from pelvis through head, skillfully come forward stabilizing the legs and rotating the spine to the right. Touch chin to shin.

  • Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana Modifications

    This posture can be difficult from the perspective of balancing, hip flexibility, hamstring flexibility. It is important to approach the work cautiously in order to protect your knees especially while transitioning in and out of the posture. Here I offer 3 useful modifications. In the first o...

  • Dandasana Modification (Staff Posture)

    This video helps you to find the important neutral position of the pelvis in Dandasana, Staff Posture. The upright pelvis and legs form the foundation of Dandasana, and creating a clear, stable base allows you to properly lift up the spine, open the chest, and optimally position the shoulders, ...

  • Pashcimottanasana Modification (Seated Forward Bend Posture)

    This video highlights the importance of the halfway position that sets up the fold into the position proper. This half way position is part of the vinyasa sequencing that makes up the primary series in the ashtanga system. This lowly but infinitely valuable position can be easy to overlook when y...

  • Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana Modifications

    It is necessary to be careful never to strain your knees when working with any of the variations of the half lotus position. And thus here I offer you two deceptively simple modifications for Half Bound Lotus Western Stretching Posture. The first modifications is simply to bring the foot back b...

  • Janusirsasana A Modification (Head to Knee Posture)

    Head to Knee pose or Janu Sirsasana A is one of the most classic and foundational seated asana's because nearly anyone can make a try at it, and it effectively combines both hip opening and forward bending. It is common to emphasize the forward bending aspect and to miss the excellent opportuniti...

  • Janusirsasana B Modifications (Head to Knee B Pose)

    The crux of the Janu B position is to properly and comfortably sit on the heel before bending forward. I provide instructions and modifications for placing the center of the pelvic floor on the heel of the foot. Also once you are in the posture I give you a set of instructions that will help ...