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Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana Modifications

A Guide to the Primary Series • 43s

Up Next in A Guide to the Primary Series

  • Janusirsasana A Modification (Head to...

    Head to Knee pose or Janu Sirsasana A is one of the most classic and foundational seated asana's because nearly anyone can make a try at it, and it effectively combines both hip opening and forward bending. It is common to emphasize the forward bending aspect and to miss the excellent opportuniti...

  • Janusirsasana B Modifications (Head t...

    The crux of the Janu B position is to properly and comfortably sit on the heel before bending forward. I provide instructions and modifications for placing the center of the pelvic floor on the heel of the foot. Also once you are in the posture I give you a set of instructions that will help ...

  • janusirsasana C Modifications (Head t...

    You may have found that there appears to be very little connection between Head to Knee C Pose (Janusirsasana C) and its brothers A and B or that proficiency in A and B don't necessarily lead to knowing how to execute Head to Knee C. In fact I think of Janusirsasana C as a sort of alien from an...