Janusirsasana B Modifications (Head to Knee B Pose)
A Guide to the Primary Series
1m 3s
The crux of the Janu B position is to properly and comfortably sit on the heel before bending forward. I provide instructions and modifications for placing the center of the pelvic floor on the heel of the foot. Also once you are in the posture I give you a set of instructions that will help you create an image of awakening the energy at base and causing it to flow up the central axis the root of the palate.
Up Next in A Guide to the Primary Series
janusirsasana C Modifications (Head t...
You may have found that there appears to be very little connection between Head to Knee C Pose (Janusirsasana C) and its brothers A and B or that proficiency in A and B don't necessarily lead to knowing how to execute Head to Knee C. In fact I think of Janusirsasana C as a sort of alien from an...
Navasana Modifications (Boat Posture)
You must learn to love Boat Posture-eek! Or at the very least develop a high tolerance and a taste for the challenges it presents. This one posture needs to be singled out as like no other, a heavy weight, a main contributor to core strength, and therefor worthy of your friendship. If you can...
Bhujapidasana Modification (Shoulder ...
In this video I offer two useful modifications and provide instructions for working in the posture without doing a modification. The first modification is for if in the beginning stages you are having trouble lifting your feet off the ground. Try placing your hands on two blocks that are placed...