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Interview Longevity in your practice

A Guide to the Primary Series • 3m 35s

Up Next in A Guide to the Primary Series

  • Trikonasana Modification (Triangle Po...

    I provide you with simple, basic instructions for how to work in Triangle Posture, I have you place your hand on your leg or on a block in order to make sure that you center your spine properly over your hip and leg foundation. You are also using the modification to feel the important, elusive h...

  • Parivrtta Trikonasana Modification (R...

    This video includes tips for balancing in the posture, also I show you how to catch your leg or to use a block in order to create a fuller, more thorough spinal rotation. Knowing how to modify this challenging posture is a real boon that can help you to gain access to its many healing benefits (...

  • Utthita Parsvakonasana Modification (...

    Side Angle Stretch Posture is a deceptively challenging posture, and here I have you place your hand on block so that you can experience the basic actions of the pose. Focus on creating a continuous ascending diagonal line from the back leg foot, back thigh, pelvis, torso, and up through the t...