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Parivrtta Trikonasana Modification (Revolved Triangle Posture)

A Guide to the Primary Series • 54s

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  • Utthita Parsvakonasana Modification (...

    Side Angle Stretch Posture is a deceptively challenging posture, and here I have you place your hand on block so that you can experience the basic actions of the pose. Focus on creating a continuous ascending diagonal line from the back leg foot, back thigh, pelvis, torso, and up through the t...

  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana Modification...

    It is important to take advantage of modifying the more difficult positions even when you may feel that you do not need to modify them. Greater understanding of the posture can come to you when you work in an easier, more accurate version of the posture. To better access the actions of this mos...

  • Prasarita Padottanasana Modification ...

    In order to obtain maximum benefit from this essential asana make sure your stance is generously wide and bring your head all the way down to ground between your feet. Use a block under your head if necessary because bringing the head onto something distributes your weight more even throughout...