Pincha Mayurasana Use Wall to Find Central Axis
If you are having trouble balancing in this posture or if you are afraid of falling the wall is an excellent resource. You can safely build the physical and mental strength that is needed to execute this posture. In this video I teach you how to use the wall safely and how to continue to clarify...
Kapotasana or King Pigeon Posture Refine foundation Intermediate to Advanced
The legs splaying out wider than the hips causes the student to lose their leg foundation in this deep backbend. In this exercise the student will understand the positioning of the legs and how a powerful foundation is what creates the spine to lengthen.
Book 1: Sutras 1.29-1.32
Talk 6
Yoga Sutras Book 1, Samadhi Pada
Sutras 1.29-1.32Recommended Reading
1- Yoga, Discipline of Freedom by Barbara Stoller Miller
Pages 37-38
Read Part One, “Overcoming Obstacles and Distractions”2- Yoga Sutra Workbook, Certainty of Freedom by Vyaas Houston
Review Sutras 1.29-1.32 -
Yoga Sutra 2.46: Sthira Sukham Asanam
In this philosophy talk, David dives into Yoga Sutra 2:46. What does Sthira Sukham Asanam mean? It's defined as “the posture for meditation should be steady, stable, and comfortable.” In this talk you will learn that it is so much more that common explanation.
Thank you poem!
DG Drills - Leg Power
An energizing 15 minute class that focuses on strengthening and developing powerful legs. Yoga teacher, Tamsin, incorporates various exercises utilizing Shalabhasana, Vasisthasana, and Setu Bandhasana.
Nov 26_2023 - Weekly Thoughts
While sitting in a temple in Sri Lanka, David answer's a student question about the phrase "practice what you want to reinforce."
Build pranayama padmasana directly over pelvic floor
Navasana Modifications (Boat Posture)
You must learn to love Boat Posture-eek! Or at the very least develop a high tolerance and a taste for the challenges it presents. This one posture needs to be singled out as like no other, a heavy weight, a main contributor to core strength, and therefor worthy of your friendship. If you can...
Props set-up for Day 2
Day 13 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 13 (25 minutes)
Ex 1 - Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3 Posture)
Ex 2 - Astavakrasana (Eight Angled Posture)
Ex 3 - Koundinyasana (Sage Posture)This is power packed session where you’ll become absorbed in the glorious struggle of doing arm balances! The day also includes a difficult Samast...
Kurmasana Modifications (Tortoise Posture)
Kurmasana, Tortoise Posture, is one of the crux poses of the primary series, each asana that comes before is preparing for this challenging section of the sequence. This posture has two parts, the A part emphasizes forward bending and the B part, hip opening. Use the modification present here i...
Talk 1: Sutras I.2, I.3, I.4
In this short talk I discuss verses 2, 3, 4 from the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras.
Below I translate from Sanskrit to English (unfortunately diacritical marks do not translate into the Vimeo description). I also recommend using this website (https://yogasutrastudy.info/yoga-sutra-translatio...
Short Form: 45:30 - Primary Series Jam
Practice with David in this Short Form practice. Watch David to learn how to use props and keep the flow of the vinyasa count.
List of asanas:
Surya A (3)
Surya B (3)
Pada Hastasana
Uttihta Trikonasana
Parivrtta Trikonasana
Prasarita Padottonasana A
Prasarita Padottonasana B
Uttit... -
Short Forms - Sun Salutations
5 Surya Namaskara A
5 Surya Namaskara B