Vinyasa Lab

Vinyasa Lab

A participatory class that will include a thorough break down of transitions that get you in and out of the state of the asana. Modifications and progression in stages towards mastery for Primary and Second Series poses. You will also learn the count of the vinyasa positions of the Ashtanga sequence.

Vinyasa Lab
  • Prasarita Padottonasana A - Swoop Move and Bandha

    Roll out your mat and join David for this Vinyasa Lab on Prasarita Padottonasana A. He teaches the "swoop move" and how to catch the hidden Uddiyana Bandha.

  • Transition from Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog

    Join David for a special event class on transitioning from Chaturanga to Upward Facing.
    In this class, David focuses on the importance of the transition from Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog, emphasizing the concept of 'Crouch and Spring' and the role of a strong foundation in supporting the pose....

  • Steps to take Lotus in Sarvangasana and Sirsasana

    In this Vinyasa Lab David teaches how to take Padmasana in Sarvangasana and Sirsasana. Once you gain proficiency you can then transfer your skills to any inversion including Sirsasana, Pincha Mayurasana, or Karandvasana.

    *Begin with Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) so that you have the advantage o...

  • Chakrasana

    In this Vinyasa Lab, David gives a tutorial on how to start practicing Chakrasana. Here are the vinyasa instructions when you are executing out of Supta Hasta Padangusthasana:
    — With a great rhythm, hoist your legs and arms overhead, lift your hips, and
    plant your hands on the ground underneath y...

  • Lunge in Surya Namaskara B

    A class that dives deep into how to lunge in Surya Namaksara B. Technically a lunge is defined as an exercise where you step one leg forward, bend your front knee and lower your pelvis towards the ground. Both Virabhadrasana (Warrior) I and II are classic lunges that perfectly fit this definition...

  • A Guide to the Primary Series

    33 items

    1) In-depth Instructions on Fundamentals:
    Introduction to the set of practices that form the basis of Ashtanga yoga including:

    Ujjayi (sound) breathing
    Surya Namaskara A & B includes detailed instruction on
    Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose)
    Urdva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose...

  • Jump Between Standing Postures

    This Vinyasa lab will help you understand the benefits of dynamically jumping out to the side from Samasthiti before transitioning into a standing pose, and then also jumping when you return to Samasthiti. I offer an inspiring little demo of the small but challenging action, and then break the ...

  • Vinyasa Positions of Surya Namaskara A & B

    This tutorial is for new students and teachers of Ashtanga Yoga. In Ashtanga, every pose has a set number of Vinyāsas or positions. In this tutorial David teaches the vinyasa positions of Surya Namaskara A and B. The focus of this tutorial is in memorizing the positions. For beginner students th...

  • A Guide to the Second Series

    21 items

    I am happy to offer you this carefully prepared video course on the Intermediate Series as taught to me by its author, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. This video course is a live class that includes work on back bends such as Dhanurasana, Ustrasana and Kapotasana; deep hip-opening postures such as Eka Pada...

  • Entrance into Sirsasana

    In this Vinyasa Lab class, I use a progression of steps to teach you how to come up and go down out of Head Balance. Learning this progression will almost certainly challenge you. Therefore I urge to be patient and to follow the instructions carefully. If you can already go up and come down i...

  • King of Asanas: Mastering Head Balance and Inversion Principles

    7 items

    In the past I have had many students express fear, sometimes dread, towards inversions, especially Sirsasana the most challenging upside-down posture. So it may seem like an unlikely choice that I use Head Balance as a foundational posture, as well as a gateway through which something magical and...

  • Extract Strength From Your Practice

    15 items

    I made this course partly because I know from experience that devoting yourself to getting stronger in your practice is extremely difficult to do-especially when you attempt to develop strength over an extended period of time. Extracting strength is a matter of learning to sleuth out, contemplate...