Extract Strength From Your Practice
I made this course partly because I know from experience that devoting yourself to getting stronger in your practice is extremely difficult to do-especially when you attempt to develop strength over an extended period of time. Extracting strength is a matter of learning to sleuth out, contemplate, detect and extract strengthening possibilities from your efforts in practice.
I will take you through 15 classes (of approximately 20-35 minutes each) of rigorous, fun and original exercises that are not only designed to help you build strength and stamina but also to help you THINK more effectively and creatively about how to use the foundations of your practice to get stronger.
Day 1 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 1 (29 minutes)
Ex 1 - Samasthiti (Equal Standing Posture)
Ex 2 - Ekam (Position Zero to Position One)
Ex 3 - Vrkshasana (Tree Posture)
Ex 4 - Plank posture with leg lift
Ex 5 - Plank to Chaturanga Dandasana (4 Limb Staff Posture)
Ex 6 - Surya Namaskara Transition Loop (3rd to 4th Po... -
Day 2 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 2 (30 minutes)
Ex 1 - Thigh to Chest Samasthiti
Ex 2 - Chaturanga Dandasana Integrity
Ex 3 - Surya Namaskara Transition Loop (6th to 7th Position)
Ex 4 - Navasana (boat posture)
Ex 5 - Sirsasana Prep (Head Balance Posture)
Ex 6 - Uddhyana Bandha Kriya with wall (Belly Flying Up Lock)... -
Day 3 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 3
Ex 1 - Samasthiti Squats
Ex 2 - Plank to Handstand to Down Dog Loop
Ex 3 - Surya Namaskara Transition Loop (3rd to 4th Position, 6th to 7th Position)
Ex 4 - Bhujapidasana (Arm Pressure Posture)
Ex 5 - Sirsasana (Headstand Posture)
Ex 6 - Uddhyana Bandha Kriya Standing (Belly Flying... -
Day 4 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 4 (32 minutes)
Ex 1 - Samastithi Eyes Closed
Ex 2 - Handstand Transition with wall
Ex 3 - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog)
Ex 4 - Purvottonasana (Eastern Intense Posture)
Ex 5 - Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Posture)
Ex 6 - Bhastrika and Sitali Pranayama (Bellows Breath and... -
Day 5 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
List of exercises:
Ex 1 - Handstand with Half Lotus and Lotus with Wall
Ex 2 - Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
Ex 3 - Vasisthasana with wall (Side Plank Posture)
Ex 4 - Navasana and Ardha Navasana (Boat and Half Boat Posture)
Ex 5 - Sirsasana Half Lotus and Lotus (Head Balance Po... -
Day 6 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Practice to day 6 from David's video course, Extract Strength From Your Practice. List of exercises:
Ex 1 - Surya Namaskara A with speed
Ex 2 - Surya Namabaskara B emphasis on Virabhadrasana 1This segment is devoted working with Surya Namaskara A and B in several different ways—all with the o...
Day 7 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 7 (33 minutes)
Ex 1 - Jump in Samasthiti
Ex 2 - Transition from 1st Position to 2nd Position
Ex 3 - Padangusthasana Receptivity (Big Toe Posture)
Ex 4 - Handstand Press
Ex 5 - Setu Bandhasana in Sarvangasana (Bridge in Shoulderstand)In day 7 you’ll do a standing forward bend exercise...
Day 8 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Ex 1 - Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolving Half Moon Posture)
Ex 2 - Jump in and out of Bakasana (Crow Posture)
Ex 3 - Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance Posture)
Ex 4 - Mayurasana (Peacock Posture)Day 8 begins with an exercise that shows you how to gain strength by creating a dynamic tr...
Day 9 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 9 (26 minutes)
Ex 1 - Jump Through
Ex 2 - Jump BackThis day provides an in depth exploration of the jump through and jump back transitions that are used between seated postures in the ashtanga yoga sequences. You’ll discover the best ways for virtually anyone to enter to fruitful study of...
Day 10 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 10 (30 minutes)
Ex 1 - Timed Sarvangasana plus variations (Shoulderstand Posture)
Ex 2 - Timed Sirsasana plus variations (Headstand Posture)Timing your inversions is an excellent way to build strength. In this session you’ll get out your timer and work with measuring your stay in Sirsas...
Day 11 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 11 (25 minutes)
Ex 1 - Samasthiti (Equal Standing Posture)
Ex 2 - Plank to Chaturanga to Down Dog Loop
Ex 3 - Bhujapidasana (Arm Pressure Posture)
Ex 4 - Karandavasana (Duck Posture)
Ex 5 - Nakrasana (Crocodile Posture)Get ready because Day 11 is a strength doozy! The session begins w...
Day 12 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
List of exercises:
Ex 1 - Samasthiti and Handstand
Ex 2 - Setu Bandhasana plus Variations (Bridge Posture)
Ex 3 - Salabhasana plus Variations (Locust Posture)
Ex 4 - Bhekasana (Half Frog Posture)
Ex 5 - Setu Bandhasana in Sarvangasana (Bridge in Shoulderstand Posture)In this fun and challe...
Day 13 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 13 (25 minutes)
Ex 1 - Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3 Posture)
Ex 2 - Astavakrasana (Eight Angled Posture)
Ex 3 - Koundinyasana (Sage Posture)This is power packed session where you’ll become absorbed in the glorious struggle of doing arm balances! The day also includes a difficult Samast...
Day 14 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Practice to day 14 of David's video course, Extract Strength From Your Practice. This day is devoted to gaining strength by developing your bandha (Energetic Lock) technique.
Ex 1) Bandhas in utthita hasta padangusthasana (Extended Hand to Big Toe Posture)
Ex 2) Bandhas in Prasarita Padottanasan... -
Day 15 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 15 (20 minutes)
Ex 1 - Samsthiti to Handstand
Ex 2 - Boat Posture to Handstand
Ex 3 - Chaturanga Dandasana Variations (4 Limb Staff Posture)The final class of this course takes you through a 20 minute action packed routine consisting of 5 strength exercises. The exercises include an abs...