Talk 3_Sutras I.12 - I.16
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The grouping of Sutras (Book 1.12 - I.16) details the two concepts Abhyasa (Practice) and Vairagya (Non-Attachment) that the Yogi uses to bring about a state of Nirodha (Cessation of Thought).
In this talk, I utilize the concepts of Karma (Work, Cause and Effect) and Dharma (Cosmic Law,
Calling) to give you a fresh, helpful perspective on the word Abhyasa-Practice. Similarly, I utilize the concepts of Santosha (Contentment) and Raga (Melody, Attachment to Pleasure) to bring perspective to Vairagya-Non Attachment.
Below I provide the translation from Barbara Stoller-Miller but I utilize both Stoller's and Houston's translations in the talk. (
Translation from Barbara Stoller-Miller
I.12 - Cessation of the turnings of thought comes through practice and dispassion.
I.13 - Practice is the effort to maintain the cessation of thought.
I.14 -This practice is firmly grounded when it is performed for a long time without interruption and with zeal.
I.15 - Dispassion is the sign of mastery over the craving for sensuous objects.
I.16 -Higher dispassion is a total absence of craving for anything material, which comes by discriminating between spirit and material nature.
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