Parivrtta Parsvakonasana Modifications (Revolved Extended Side Angle Posture)
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1m 2s
It is important to take advantage of modifying the more difficult positions even when you may feel that you do not need to modify them. Greater understanding of the posture can come to you when you work in an easier, more accurate version of the posture. To better access the actions of this most difficult of standing postures, bring your back leg knee to the ground and thus begin with a modified set up position. Now you can focus creating a deep lunge in the front leg, make the thigh parallel to the ground and then thoroughly rotate your spinal column to the right. Snugly hook your left arm around your outer right knee, placing your left hand on a block. Maintain the positioning of the front leg lunge and the thorough spinal twist as you carefully straighten the back leg. Endeavor to create a true diagonal line between your back leg, torso and top arm.
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