Breath, Bandhas, & Pranayama

Breath, Bandhas, & Pranayama

Teachings on the 3 aspects of the 4th Limb; art of inhalation, exhalation, and retention. Includes introductory practices and the Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence.

Breath, Bandhas, & Pranayama
  • How do I Improve my Breath and Bandhas in the Practice?

    This class focuses on integrating breath and movement in Ashtanga Yoga, with an emphasis on understanding and refining diaphragmatic and ujjayi breathing techniques. Through detailed exploration of transitions, foundational poses, and "set-up" positions, students will learn how to connect breath ...

  • Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence with instruction

    Pranayamas instructed:
    1) Ujjayi
    2) Nadi Shodana
    3) Bhastrika
    4) Surya & Chandra Bhedana
    5) Sitali

  • Vayu Siddhi: Secret to Yogic Breathing

    27 items

    What does Vayu Siddhi mean? It means a master of breath. Study the material offered on this video course and your breathing can become a well spring, a main source for tapping the tremendous life force within you. Like Hanuman, the loyal servant of Ram, your breath can become a formidable ally, a...

  • Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence

    Live from David's Mysore intensive in Tangalle, Sri Lanka. January's live special event was the Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence.