Interview with David on the Foundation of Ashtanga Yoga
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2m 6s
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Day 15 - Extract Strength From Your P...
Day 15 (20 minutes)
Ex 1 - Samsthiti to Handstand
Ex 2 - Boat Posture to Handstand
Ex 3 - Chaturanga Dandasana Variations (4 Limb Staff Posture)The final class of this course takes you through a 20 minute action packed routine consisting of 5 strength exercises. The exercises include an abs...
Session 4 Warm Up - Sun Salutations a...
David leads you through a counted version of Surya Namaskara using blocks and teaches Dhanurasana with 2 blankets and 1 block. The Dhanurasana exercise is from his Foundation First course.
Day 5 - Foundation First
This challenging and fun day is devoted to the foundations of back bending. You’ll work with Purvotanasana (Eastern Stretching Pose), Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose) as well some of the foundational back bends from second series including Shalabhasana (Locust Pose) Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) an...