Day 5 - Foundation First
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This challenging and fun day is devoted to the foundations of back bending. You’ll work with Purvotanasana (Eastern Stretching Pose), Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose) as well some of the foundational back bends from second series including Shalabhasana (Locust Pose) Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) and Ustrasana (Camel Pose). You learn as set of principles for how to use your legs that you can apply to all back bends. You’ll also work with exercises that utilize set up positions, modifications and/or props to help you easily identify the foundation of the pose and then teach you how to maintain your foundation as you eliminate the added advantages and progress into deeper expressions of the pose.
Day 5 (37 minutes) –
Exercise 1: Surya Namaskara with blocks (2 blocks optional)
Exercise 2: Purvottanasana (1 chair and 2 blocks optional)
Exercise 3: Shalabhasana (2 blankets optional)
Exercise 4: Dhanurasana (2 blankets and 1 block optional)
Exercise 5: Ustrasana ( 1 block optional)
Exercise 6: Urdhva Dhanurasana (2 blocks optional)
Exercise 7: Seated Meditation Virasana (1 block and 2 sandbags optional)
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