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Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana ...
It is necessary to be careful never to strain your knees when working with any of the variations of the half lotus position. And thus here I offer you two deceptively simple modifications for Half Bound Lotus Western Stretching Posture. The first modifications is simply to bring the foot back b...
Talk 2_I.5 - I.11
Talk #2 Chapter 1, Sutras 5 -11
The grouping of Sutras (5 thru 11) details the five categories of Vrtti that consist of:
1) Pramana (evaluation, judgment)
2) Viparyaya (Misperception)
3) Vikalpa (Conceptualization, Imagination)
4) Nidra (Sleep)
5) Smrti (Memory).In this talk I discuss ho...