Head Balance & Inversions - Class 1
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Summary of exercises:
1) Samasthiti (Equal Standing Posture)
2) Vrkshtasana (Tree Posture) plus variations
3) Padangusthasana (Big Toe Posture) and Padahastasana (Hands Under Feet Posture) with wall
4) Plank
5) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Posture)
6) Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance Posture) preparation
7) Sirsasana (Head Balance Posture) foundation focus on upper back
Day 1 introduces the basic postures and the overarching themes of this course. You will look at two of the most basic standing postures Samasthiti, (Equal Standing) and Vrkshasana (Tree Posture) to gain skills that will help you achieve Head Balance. I offer a working definition of inversion as: any posture where your abdomen is higher than your head. You will take a look at the benefits of understanding that even common postures, such as standing forward bends, are inversions and learn to extract their benefits. There are exercises that teach how you can come to an edge of imbalance in order to find a position of maximum enjoyment and stability. Day 1 also sets the template for daily strength work that will help you gain the necessary strength to come up and stay up in Sirsasana (Head Balance). This includes using Downward Dog and Forearm Balance variations as excellent preparatory postures to Head Balance. Lastly you will make a detailed study of setting up a safe and effective arm foundation for Sirsasana and learn an excellent Head Balance preparation position.
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