Join David and Delara for this short form class filmed during David's Mysore Intensive in Sri Lanka.
Surya Namaskara A (3)
Surya Namaskara B (2)
Pada Hastasana
Prasarita Padottanasana (A)
Janu Sirsasana (A)
Upavista Konasana
Supta Konasana
Urdvha Dhanurasana
Ujjayi in Padmasana
Up Next in From the Archives
Interview creative yoga
"After almost 25 years of daily ashtanga practice it is safe to say that I am no stranger to monotony and repetition. Following roughly the same few daily asana recipes provides me with meditative focus, discipline and a welcome clarity about what and how to practice. But also I think I would be ...
Day 7 - Extract Strength From Your Pr...
Day 7 (33 minutes)
Ex 1 - Jump in Samasthiti
Ex 2 - Transition from 1st Position to 2nd Position
Ex 3 - Padangusthasana Receptivity (Big Toe Posture)
Ex 4 - Handstand Press
Ex 5 - Setu Bandhasana in Sarvangasana (Bridge in Shoulderstand)In day 7 you’ll do a standing forward bend exercise...
Particulars of Practice and Prana
In this weekly thoughts video, David uses Vivekanda's Raja Yoga text to discuss the particulars of practice.
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