Day 6 _ Head Balance and Inversion Principles
From the Archives
Summary of Day 6 Exercises
1) Samasthiti
2) Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Posture)
3) Sirsasana with blocks under shoulders
Day 6 you will explore how passive inversions bring restorative and meditative possibilities to your practice. One of my goals for offering this course is to give you different glimpses into the versatility of inversions. I aim to show you that they offer many, many contrasting benefits from total rest and rejuvenation, to dynamism and hard-won strength, to clear inward absorption. While staying for longer periods of time in these passive positions, you’ll work with foundational pranayama breathing techniques. You’ll also learn an easy way to do Head Balance without putting any weight on your head. This weightless version of Sirsasana can come in handy when you are injured or tired.