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Day 10 - Extract Strength From Your Practice

Extract Strength From Your Practice • 30m

Up Next in Extract Strength From Your Practice

  • Day 11 - Extract Strength From Your P...

    Day 11 (25 minutes)

    Ex 1 - Samasthiti (Equal Standing Posture)
    Ex 2 - Plank to Chaturanga to Down Dog Loop
    Ex 3 - Bhujapidasana (Arm Pressure Posture)
    Ex 4 - Karandavasana (Duck Posture)
    Ex 5 - Nakrasana (Crocodile Posture)

    Get ready because Day 11 is a strength doozy! The session begins w...

  • Day 12 - Extract Strength From Your P...

    List of exercises:
    Ex 1 - Samasthiti and Handstand
    Ex 2 - Setu Bandhasana plus Variations (Bridge Posture)
    Ex 3 - Salabhasana plus Variations (Locust Posture)
    Ex 4 - Bhekasana (Half Frog Posture)
    Ex 5 - Setu Bandhasana in Sarvangasana (Bridge in Shoulderstand Posture)

    In this fun and challe...

  • Day 13 - Extract Strength From Your P...

    Day 13 (25 minutes)

    Ex 1 - Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3 Posture)
    Ex 2 - Astavakrasana (Eight Angled Posture)
    Ex 3 - Koundinyasana (Sage Posture)

    This is power packed session where you’ll become absorbed in the glorious struggle of doing arm balances! The day also includes a difficult Samast...