Day 1 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 1 (29 minutes)
Ex 1 - Samasthiti (Equal Standing Posture)
Ex 2 - Ekam (Position Zero to Position One)
Ex 3 - Vrkshasana (Tree Posture)
Ex 4 - Plank posture with leg lift
Ex 5 - Plank to Chaturanga Dandasana (4 Limb Staff Posture)
Ex 6 - Surya Namaskara Transition Loop (3rd to 4th Position)
Ex 7 - Jump Back Lift
In this video you’ll study several foundational postures aiming to better understand how to direct your efforts towards finding each posture’s particular strength sweet spot. You’ll explore Samasthiti (Equal Standing Pose) and work with raising your arms overhead against resistance that you create by imagining the surrounding atmosphere is thicker than air. You’ll experiment with exercises that help you look with the eyes of a strength connoisseur at other familiar positions such as Vrkshasana (Tree Pose), Plank and one-legged Plank. You’ll also study Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limbed Staff Pose) by using several creative perspectives to better see this position as an important foundational strength posture. You’ll play with lowering your body onto blocks, jumping from 3rd to 4th position in Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation), and learning to hold your Chaturanga. You’ll begin the process of seeing how the foundational postures are your best, most effective and safest sources of strength.
Up Next in Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 2 - Extract Strength From Your Pr...
Day 2 (30 minutes)
Ex 1 - Thigh to Chest Samasthiti
Ex 2 - Chaturanga Dandasana Integrity
Ex 3 - Surya Namaskara Transition Loop (6th to 7th Position)
Ex 4 - Navasana (boat posture)
Ex 5 - Sirsasana Prep (Head Balance Posture)
Ex 6 - Uddhyana Bandha Kriya with wall (Belly Flying Up Lock)... -
Day 3 - Extract Strength From Your Pr...
Day 3
Ex 1 - Samasthiti Squats
Ex 2 - Plank to Handstand to Down Dog Loop
Ex 3 - Surya Namaskara Transition Loop (3rd to 4th Position, 6th to 7th Position)
Ex 4 - Bhujapidasana (Arm Pressure Posture)
Ex 5 - Sirsasana (Headstand Posture)
Ex 6 - Uddhyana Bandha Kriya Standing (Belly Flying... -
Day 4 - Extract Strength From Your Pr...
Day 4 (32 minutes)
Ex 1 - Samastithi Eyes Closed
Ex 2 - Handstand Transition with wall
Ex 3 - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog)
Ex 4 - Purvottonasana (Eastern Intense Posture)
Ex 5 - Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Posture)
Ex 6 - Bhastrika and Sitali Pranayama (Bellows Breath and...