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Viloma Khumbaka - Exhalation
Vayu Siddhi: Secret to Yogic Breathing
8m 15s
Up Next in Vayu Siddhi: Secret to Yogic Breathing
Pranayama #1: Ujjayi (Parts A & B) In...
1st pranayama in the Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence. This tutorial is instructed.
Pranayama #2 - Nadi Shodhana Parts A ...
Pranayama #3 - Bhastrika (Instructed)
Bhastrika: Bellows
Bhastrika is a highly active, energy rousing technique that tones the absomen and helps you to activate your respiratory musuclature. The forceful rhythmic pumping of the breath churns the belly and stirs up the dormant, sluggish energy within muladhara, the root support chakr...