Vayu Siddhi: Secret to Yogic Breathing
What does Vayu Siddhi mean? It means a master of breath. Study the material offered on this video course and your breathing can become a well spring, a main source for tapping the tremendous life force within you. Like Hanuman, the loyal servant of Ram, your breath can become a formidable ally, a most devoted friend that guides you further into the beloved practice of Ashtanga Yoga. Through practice may you attain Vayu Siddhi, perfection of breathing and go inwards to Self.
Championing your breath is the key to truly enjoying the fruits of your yoga practice. Through working with your breath in this video series, I hope you will turn to trust your breath during times of celebration, challenge, and that you will cultivate healthy breathing habits. Your breath is the key to unlocking the secrets to all yoga techniques.
In presenting this material I aim to transform your ideas about the role that your breath can play in your daily practice, to see how the consciousness that you develop through breath awareness leads you into the greater spiritual context of your life. I aim to set your imagination ablaze on the vital subject of breathing as your principal source of Self knowledge.
Part 1: A Guide to Ujjayi Breathing
The first 9 videos are a set of breathing practices that will help you better understand how to breath in your asana practice, give you a strong foundation for learning pranayama and form the beginning steps to working with the Sri K Pattabhi Jois’s Ashtanga Pranayama sequence.
Part 2: A Guide to the Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence
The first 6 videos introduce you to the Ashtanga Pranayama sequence by giving you step by step, detailed instruction in each of the five pranayama’s that make up the sequence. You can study each pranayama separately or all at the same time with the Full Instructed Pranayama Sequence.
The last 6 videos is where you can practice each pranayama separately without instruction or you can practice the entire thirty plus minute Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence without instruction.
Prana Vayu
Tutorial that focuses on the pranic aspect of ujjayi breathing.
Viloma Inhalation Exercise with Instruction
Viloma Inhalation Exercise no extra instruction
Viloma Exhalation Exercise with Instruction
Viloma Exhalation Exercise no extra instruction
Viloma Kumbaka Exercise on Inhalation
Viloma Khumbaka - Exhalation
Pranayama #1: Ujjayi (Parts A & B) Instructed
1st pranayama in the Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence. This tutorial is instructed.
Pranayama #2 - Nadi Shodhana Parts A & B (Instructed)
Pranayama #3 - Bhastrika (Instructed)
Bhastrika: Bellows
Bhastrika is a highly active, energy rousing technique that tones the absomen and helps you to activate your respiratory musuclature. The forceful rhythmic pumping of the breath churns the belly and stirs up the dormant, sluggish energy within muladhara, the root support chakr...
Pranayama #4 - Surya and Chandra Bhedana (Instructed)
Pranayama #5 - Sitali (Instructed)
Instructed Ashtanga Yoga Pranayama Sequence
Led Pranayama Sequence Ujjayi Parts A and B
Led Pranayama Sequence Nadi Shodana Parts A and B
Led Pranayama - Bhastrika
Led Pranayama Sequence Surya and Chandra Bhedana
Led Pranayama - Sitali
Led Pranayama Sequence
Jalandha Bandha Basics 101
Am I breathing too loud or too soft
Benefits of Prana and Apana Exercises
How do I do the vishnu mudra hand position