Day 7 - Foundation First
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You’ll return to a study of the foundations of the main standing poses Uttitha Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose) and Parivrrta Trikonasana (Revolving Triangle Pose) and this time you’ll also work with Uttitha Parsvakonasana (Extend Side Angle Pose). You’ll use the devices of facing the wall and having your back to the wall to help you better understand how to effectively align your legs, torso, and arms in the Side Plane of the body. Working with your back at the wall is particularly effective in helping you to get a better sense of where your upper body is relationship to the entire horizontal axis that passes through your pelvis, belly, chest and head. And when you face the wall you can use your hands to push off the wall and get a new feeling for creating spinal rotation. Studying these elements will show you how to extract more strength and flexibility from your efforts in these poses.
Day 7 (30 minutes)
Exercise 1: Surya Namaskara with blind fold (bandana or eye mask optional)
Exercise 2: Trikonasana and Revolved Trikonasana with wall (2 blocks optional)
Exercise 3: Utthita Parsvakonasana with wall
Exercise 5: Seated meditation bound angle (1 belt and 2 sandbags)
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List of asanas in Short Form:
Surya A (3)
Surya B (3)
Prasarita Padottonasana A
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Pashimottonasana A & B
Janusirsasana A
Marichyasana C
Baddha Konasana A & B
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Ujjayi Breathi...