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Day 3 - Head Balance and Inversion Principles

King of Asanas: Mastering Head Balance and Inversion Principles • 23m

Up Next in King of Asanas: Mastering Head Balance and Inversion Principles

  • Day 4 - Head Balance & Inversion Prin...

    Day 4 summary of exercises

    1) Samasthiti
    2) Vrksasana with wall
    3) Padangusthasana and Padahastasana with wall
    4) Sirsasana set up and variations
    5) Crouch and Spring to Sirsasana entrance and variations

    Day 4 begins looking how to use dynamism to create a powerful stance in Samasthiti (Equal...

  • Day 5 - Head Balance and Inversion Pr...

    Summary of Day 5 Exercises

    1) Samasthiti
    2) Prasarita Padottanasana with wall
    3) Uddiyana (Flying Up) Bandha (Energetic Lock) Kriya (Cleansing)
    4) Adho Mukha Svanasana) focus on Uddiyana Bandha
    5) Sirsasana set up and variations with wall
    6) Sirsasana set up and variations

    Day 5 you will lea...

  • Day 6 _ Head Balance and Inversion Pr...

    Summary of Day 6 Exercises
    1) Samasthiti
    2) Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Posture)
    3) Sirsasana with blocks under shoulders

    Day 6 you will explore how passive inversions bring restorative and meditative possibilities to your practice. One of my goals for offering this course is to give you ...