Day 2 - Head Balance and Inversion Principles
King of Asanas: Mastering Head Balance and Inversion Principles
Day 2 summary of exercises
1) Samasthiti
2) Vrkshtasana plus variations
3) Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend Posture)
4) Plank
5) Adho Mukha Svanasana plus variations
6) Sirsasana foundation
7) Sirsasana foundation focus on upper back
8) Crouch and Spring entrance into Sirsasana using wall
9) Crouch and Spring entrance into Sirsasana without wall
Day 2 begins with utilizing the basic standing positions Samasthiti (Equal Standing), Vrshasana (Tree Posture), and Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend) to solve postural puzzles that require your skill in balance, and prepare you for the greater challenge of balancing in Sirsasasna. You’ll do targeted arm and upper-body work in order to safely and incrementally develop balance and strength for Sirsasana. Part of the focus of this session is to create a feeling for the accurate arrangement of the whole line of your joints along the vertical axis—from the pelvic floor through the crown of the head. Finding this line becomes extra challenging when you are upside down, and you learn how to work intelligently to solve common problems. You’ll develop safe and supportive foundation for your Sirsasana and work to craft a set of Head Stand preparatory exercises that are not only fun and challenging, but build the skills you need to effectively come up into a vertical, upside down position. Lastly you’ll learn the thrilling and important crouch and spring exercise that teaches you the beginning stages of coming up into Sirsasasna.
Up Next in King of Asanas: Mastering Head Balance and Inversion Principles
Day 3 - Head Balance and Inversion Pr...
Day 3 summary of exercises
1) Samasthtii
2) Prasarita Padottanasana
3) Pincha Mayurasana set up
4) Sirsasana set up
5) Crouch and Spring entrance to Sirsasana with wallDay 3 you are introduced to the imagery of the Nine Spotlights for aligning your body accurately along the vertical axis in ...
Day 4 - Head Balance & Inversion Prin...
Day 4 summary of exercises
1) Samasthiti
2) Vrksasana with wall
3) Padangusthasana and Padahastasana with wall
4) Sirsasana set up and variations
5) Crouch and Spring to Sirsasana entrance and variationsDay 4 begins looking how to use dynamism to create a powerful stance in Samasthiti (Equal...
Day 5 - Head Balance and Inversion Pr...
Summary of Day 5 Exercises
1) Samasthiti
2) Prasarita Padottanasana with wall
3) Uddiyana (Flying Up) Bandha (Energetic Lock) Kriya (Cleansing)
4) Adho Mukha Svanasana) focus on Uddiyana Bandha
5) Sirsasana set up and variations with wall
6) Sirsasana set up and variationsDay 5 you will lea...