Upa Vista Konasana Modification (Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend Posture)
From the Archives
Modify this posture by placing a supportive blanket under hips so that you can experience the proper forward tilt of the pelvis as you come into the position. Also if your head cannot come to the ground with an elongated spine, allow your head to come down on to a block so that you can release the spine, neck and head as you work in the posture.
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Swami Vivekananda Raja Yoga
What is the core reason why we do Yoga? Weekly thoughts for Jan 7, 2024.
Nov 26_2023 - Weekly Thoughts
While sitting in a temple in Sri Lanka, David answer's a student question about the phrase "practice what you want to reinforce."
Day 1
The focus for this day is on the foundation of the 9 Vinyasa Positions of Surya Namaskara.
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