Navasana Modifications (Boat Posture)
From the Archives
1m 43s
You must learn to love Boat Posture-eek! Or at the very least develop a high tolerance and a taste for the challenges it presents. This one posture needs to be singled out as like no other, a heavy weight, a main contributor to core strength, and therefor worthy of your friendship. If you cannot lift your seat off the ground in between rounds try using blocks under your hands. When you are strong enough to lift your feet up in front of you and hold, try my 3 in 1 technique that consists of three lifts in one. 1) The first lift is the standard lifting your seat with the feet in front you, 2) the second lift suck the feet and legs up and under you as though you were going to jump back and hold this position momentarily 3) and then return to the original lifted position with your feet in front you, and again hold for a moment before sitting down for another round of Boat. You can do it!!
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