Bakasana Jump into posture
A Guide to the Second Series
2m 12s
In this video I provide instructions for setting up and executing a dynamic jump into Bakasana. I also provide images that create helpful mental pictures of the jump and lastly I demonstrate the jump.
Up Next in A Guide to the Second Series
Bakasana Relationship to Bandhas
In this video I discuss how the rounded back Bakasana shape can help you experience the three major internal energetic locks, mula, uddiyana and jalandhara bandhas. Through Bakasana you can learn to better align your spinal column over the pelvis and this helps to prevent the tendency to over li...
Bakasana Awareness in Chaturanga jump...
The imagery that helps you create the characteristic rounded back shape in Bakasana can also help you figure out how to develop other postures that require upper body strength. For example, Chaturanga Dandasana is an important posture for developing arm power and upper body strength and the key ...
Eka Pada Sirsasana Foundation and Mod...
A video from David's video course, A Guide to the Intermediate Series, that will help you understand the actions and movement of the legs, hips and pelvis so that you can begin to take you leg behind your head. A proper understanding of this posture is crucial to prevent pain in the lower back.