Baddha Konasana Modification (Bound Angle Pose)
A Guide to the Primary Series
1m 38s
Open the thighs outward, imagine that the thigh bones lengthen and extend away from you in a line from the hip to the knee. Soften and release the inner thighs, and endeavor to ground the thighs downward towards the earth. Keep the sacrum (back of the pelvis) sucked forward into the body, sit directly on the sitting bones, feel the pelvis and thighs as supremely weighted and heavy. Lift up the spine and suck the navel up and back strongly (Uddhyana Bandha), Allow this lift to create more length between the pubic bone and navel and the navel and the diaphragm. By creating length along the front of the lower torso, feel the lumbar (lower) spine irresistibly drawn forward into the body, this will help you to align your posture along the pillar of light (central axis). Float the core of the heart, expand the chest and widen the collarbones. Keep your head upright, chin level, and cast a steady gaze downwards. Sit here, enjoy your well founded stance for some time.
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