Talk 4: Sutra I.17 - I.22
This set of sutras introduces you to the subject of Samadhi (Absorption) the 8th Limb of Ashtanga Yoga. It is also the first set in a grouping of Sutras that could be titled “Ways of stopping thought or Ways of bringing about Nirodha.”
I focus on sutra 17 which could be translated as:
Nirodha (cessation of thought) can be brought about by connecting with the following forms: 1) Vitarka—Conjecture
2) Vicara—Subtle Reflection
3) Ananda—Bliss
4) Asmita—I am-ness.
In this talk, I discuss the relationship that exists between the concepts of Nirodha and Samadhi. I break down the four above words and point out ways to understand them in the
context of the daily asana practice. I also address the beauty and potential shadow aspects of utilizing Bliss (Ananda) and Egoism (Asmita) to create a state of Nirodha.
For more translations use this website.