Day 7 - Extract Strength From Your Practice
Day 7 (33 minutes)
Ex 1 - Jump in Samasthiti
Ex 2 - Transition from 1st Position to 2nd Position
Ex 3 - Padangusthasana Receptivity (Big Toe Posture)
Ex 4 - Handstand Press
Ex 5 - Setu Bandhasana in Sarvangasana (Bridge in Shoulderstand)
In day 7 you’ll do a standing forward bend exercise that shows the value of maintaining centered place of physical and psychic non action and a facial demeanor of receptivity in contrast to asserting your will and applying physical force in your efforts. You will work with another forward bending exercise that teaches you how to gain strength by differentiating the grounding work of your legs from the elongating actions of your spinal column and torso. You will also spend a good portion of time focusing on the steps in the progression to learn to press up into a handstand. The steps include work with and without the wall, there is focus on learning how to use rhythm and momentum to lift up your center and bear your weight on the arms. You’ll explore the different possibilities of bending or straightening the legs to come up, eventually working towards pressing up to handstand without using momentum. Lastly you’ll do some excellent foundational work in Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) with your feet at the wall, and then coming away from the wall to play with variations that combine Vrkshasana (Tree Posture), Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Posture) and Uddhyana Bandha (Belly flying Up Lock).