Yoga Sutra 2.46: Sthira Sukham Asanam
Short & Sweet Philosophy
In this philosophy talk, David dives into Yoga Sutra 2:46. What does Sthira Sukham Asanam mean? It's defined as “the posture for meditation should be steady, stable, and comfortable.” In this talk you will learn that it is so much more that common explanation.
Up Next in Short & Sweet Philosophy
Gunas in Hindu Mythology
In this talk, David uses Hindu stories to define and examine the 3 gunas. The word guna literally means “strand” or “fiber” and implies that, like strands of a rope, the gunas are woven together to form the objective universe. Philosophically, the theory of the gunas explains what this universe...
3 Aspects of Kriya Yoga
David gives a philosophy talk on Book 2: Sutra 1. Talk highlights:
*insightful explanations of the Sanskrit words that make up Yoga Sutra Ch 2 verse 1-Tapas, Svadhyaya, Isvara Pranidhana, and Kriya Yoga
*Exploration of Kriya Yoga as medicine that a yogi takes in order to realize samadhi (absor...
Practice to Call Down Your Creativity
In this Short & Sweet Philosophy talk, David narrates the famous myth of how Ganga, the Goddess who became the Ganges River, came down to earth in service to human creativity. This talk includes the following themes:
-Importance of contemplating and manifesting the five elements of Earth, Water,...