Talk 1: Sutras I.2, I.3, I.4
From the Archives
In this short talk I discuss verses 2, 3, 4 from the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras.
Below I translate from Sanskrit to English (unfortunately diacritical marks do not translate into the Vimeo description). I also recommend using this website ( to take in different translations and to see the accurate diacritical marks.
In the talk, I go through the definitions of each individual word that make up these sutras giving some of the more conventional interpretations as well as offering my own unique viewpoints and perceptions regarding the meanings.
I finish the talk by reciting two short bhakti poems by the Baul poets of Bengal that creatively address the spiritual themes put forth by these sutras.
I.2 - Yoga Citta Vrtti Nirodha
Joining of the individual soul with the universal soul (yoga) happens when the
turnings of thought (Vrtti) cease to occupy (Nirodha) the field of consciousness (Citta).
I.3 - Tada Drastuh Svarupe Avasthanam
Then I am established (avasthana) in my peculiar essence (svarupa) as original Seer to the world (Drastr).
I.4 - Vrtti Sarupyam Itaratra
When there is not a cessation of thought (itaratra) I’m caught up in conforming to or overly identifying (sarupyam) with my thoughts (vrtti).
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