Foundation First - Day 3
From the Archives
Practice along to Day 3 of David's, Foundation First, video course. This day features work with three of the most important foundational standing asanas Uttitha Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose), Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolving Triangle Pose and Parvotanasana (Side Intense forward Stretch Pose). First you’ll do exercises working with your back heel at the wall to gain knowledge of your back leg as an important part of the foundation for these 3 poses. And then you switch work with our extended arms at the wall as means of both extending and rotating the spinal axis. Both set of exercises will increase your ability to extract wholesome strength and flexibility from these root postures. You’ll also work with Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) and learn how to bring the weight of your body into your hands and arms instead of placing weighting your neck and head. Clarifying your foundation in this challenging posture is the main key to enjoyment and to creating safe, strong support for your spine, neck and head.
Ex 1: Surya Namaskara B
Ex 2: Trikonasana and Parivrtta Trikonasana with wall
Ex 3: Parsvottanasana with wall
Ex 4: Shoulderstand with wall
Ex 5: Seated Meditation Padmasana
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