Weekly Thoughts for April 21st.
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Day 6 _ Head Balance and Inversion Pr...
Summary of Day 6 Exercises
1) Samasthiti
2) Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Posture)
3) Sirsasana with blocks under shouldersDay 6 you will explore how passive inversions bring restorative and meditative possibilities to your practice. One of my goals for offering this course is to give you ...
Kapotasana or King Pigeon Posture Bas...
In this video David teaches the basic actions of the spine and the foundational principles of the legs so that you can begin to make an attempt at this deep backbend.
Jump Back Transistion (Beginner, Inte...
This video provides you with several versions of the challenging and formidable jump back move that is part of the dynamic transition between seated postures in the primary series. I provide step by step instructions from the easiest, most modified version, continuing to add on steps that allo...
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